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Roderick Cameron,
1964. Les Coquillages. M. Matignon, Plaisir des images, librairie Hachette, Paris.
Hugh and Marguerite Stix and R. Tucker Abbott,
1968. The Shell. Five Hundred Million Years of Inspired Design. Du Pont Chair of Malacology, Delaware Museum of Natural History. Harry N. Abrams, INC., Publishers, New York, United States.
J. A. Marsh and O. H. Rippingale,
1968. Cone Shells of the World. The Jacaranda Press PT Y LTD, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
S. Peter Dance,
1969. Rare Shells. by Dr. R. Tucker Abbott, Pilsbry Chair of Malacology. by Faber and Faber limited, London WCI, Great britain by W & J Mackay & Co Ltd.
Alan Hinton,
1972. Shells of New Guinea and the Central Indo-Pacific. by Robert Brown and Associates Pty Ltd. The Jacaranda Press Pty Ltd. Printed in Hong Kong.
S. Peter Dance,
B. R. Wilson K. Gillett,
1971. Australian Shells. A. H. & A. W. Reed, Sydney Pty Ltd S. W. L, Kyodo printing Company Limited, Tokyo, Japan.
1972. Shells and shell collecting. The Hamlyn Publishing Group limited, Feltham, Middlesex, England.
R.Pierson et G. Pierson,
1975. Porcelaines Mystérieuses de nouvelle-calédonie. Mme A. Rual Dr C. M. Burgess Mysterious Cowries of new-caledonia, I.R.N. de Nouméa, Pierre Alibert, Publichromie Nouméa, Samie S.A. Bordeaux
Bernard Salvat & Claude Rives,
1975. Coquillages de Polynésie. Georges Richard, William Reed & Sylvain Millaud, Les.Editions.du.pacifique, Papeete, Tahiti, Polynésie Française.
Alan Hinton,
1977. Guide to Shells of Papua New Guinea. by Robert Brown & Associates Pty. Ltd. Port Moresby, Everbest Printing Co. Ltd. in Hong Kong.
Alan Hinton,
1977. Guide to Australian shells. by Robert Brown & Associates Pty. Ltd. Port Moresby, Everbest Printing Co. Ltd. In Hong Kong.
Jerry G. Walls,
1978. Cone Shells. A Synopsis of the Living Conidae, U.S.A. by T.F.H. Publications, Inc. Ltd., England
Parakrama Kirtisinghe,
1978. Sea Shells of Sri Lanka. Including forms scattered throughout the Indian and Pacific Oceans, Published by the Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc. Of rutland, Vermont
& Tokyo, Japan.
Jerry G. Walls,
1979. Cowries. With a section on The Living Cowry by Dr. John Taylor, U.S. by T.F.H. Publications, Inc. Ltd., England.
A. J. da Motta & Phairot Lenavat,
1979. Cone Shells of Thailand. Graphic Art Co., Ltd, Bangkok, Thailand.
Bruno Sabelli,
1980. Conchiglie (Les Coquillages) Editions Fernand Nathan, paris, France.
S. Gofas J. Pinto Afonso M. Brandào,
1980. Conchas e Moluscos de Angola. Coquillages et Mollusques d’Angola, S.-I. Universidade Agostinho Neto, S.-I. Elf Aquitaine Angola, Print book French.
Jerry G. Walls,
1980. Conchs, Tibias, and Harps. A Survey of the Molluscan Families Strombidae and Harpidae, T.F.H Publications Inc. Ltd. England.
J.C. Estival,
T. C. Lan,
1980. Rare Shells of taiwan in Color. T. C. Lan Taipei, Taiwan, R. O. C.
J.C. Estival,
1981. Cônes de Nouvelle-Calédonie et du Vanuatu, Cone Shells of New Caledonia and Vanuatu. Société Nouvelle des Editions du Pacifique, les Editionsdu Cagou, Papeet – Tahiti, Printed in Japan.
Federico Lobetti Bodoni,
1981. Cipree Rare. Priuli & Verlucca, (Glénat), Ivrea, Italia.
R. Tucker Abbott & S. Peter Dance,
1982. Compendium of Seashells. A Color Guide to More than 4.200 of the World’s Marine Shells. E. P. Dutton, Inc., New York, United States.
A.P.H. Oliver – James Nicholls - Georges Richard,
1983. Coquillages Marins du Monde en Couleurs. The Hamlyn guide to Seashells of the World, Printer Industria Grafica S.A. Barcelona, Bordas, Paris.
Jacques & Rita Senders,
1983. Guide des Coquillages de Collection. Editions Duculot, Paris-Gembloux, imprimé en Belgique.
Mr. R. Kawamura,
1983. Collection (by T. Okutani). World Seashells of Rarity and Beauty. National Science Museum, Tokyo, Japan.
Jerome M. Eisenberg,
1984. A Collector’s guide to Seashells of the World. William E. Old, Jr., McGraw-Hill Book Company (UK), Maidenhead, Berkshire, England.
Doreen Sharabati,
1984. Red Sea Shells. I. A. Sharabati, KPI Limited, Routledge Kegan & Paul, London, England.
Pierre A. Bernard,
1984. Coquillages du Gabon. Shells of Gabon. Université de Californie, Libreville – Gabon, Datta Tipografica La Piramide, Roma.
Lesley Sutty,
1984. Cent Coquillages Rares. Times Editions, Les Editions du Pacifique, Singapour.
R. Tucker Abbott, Ph. D,
1984. Collectible Shells of Southeastern U. S., Bahamas & Caribbean. American Malacologists, Inc. Melbourne.
J. Bons,
1984. Mollusques Marins de l’Océan Indien. Comores, Mascareignes, Seychelles, François Owono-Nguema, Agence de Coopération Culturelle et Technique, Jouve, Paris. C. M. Burgess, M.D.,
1985. Cowries Of The World. E. Alison Kay, Ph.D. University of hawaii, Gordon Verhoef, Seacomber Publications, Cape, South Africa.
Jean-Louis Ceyrolle,
1985. Porcelaines de l’ile Maurice. Cowries of Mauritius. Jean-Louis Boizot, Maurice Desjardins, Vic Chakowa, Henry & Cie Ltée. Les Pailles – Ile Maurice.
Fred E. Wells & Clayton W. Bryce,
1985. Seashells of Western Australia. Western Australian Museum, by Advance Press Pty Ltd, Perth, Australia.
John orr,
1985. Hong Kong Seashells. Hilton Cheong-Leen, Chairman, An Urban Council Publication, Hong Kong.
F. J. Springsteen & F. M. Leobrera,
1986. Shells of the Philippines. Conceived & inspired by Carlos B. Leobrera. Carfel Seashell Museum, M. Manila, Philippines.
José Lauer,
1986. Le Complexe Textile. Contribution a une Revision Systematique des Conidae du (Complexe Textile), ou autres (Tent – Marked) Cones, (Première Partie), José Lauer, France.
K. Y. Lai,
1987. Marine Gastropods of Taiwan (1). Published by Taiwan Museum.
K. Y. Lai,
1987. Marine Gastropods of Taiwan (2). Published by Taiwan Museum.
George Tornaritis,
1987. Mediterranean Sea Shells Cyprus. Proodos Printing and publishing Co. Ltd. Nicosia, Cyprus.
J. W.Short D. G. Potter,
1987. Shells of Queensland and the Great Barrier Reef. marine gastropods. Robert Brown & Associates Pty Ltd, printed and bound in Singapore by Toppan Printing Co. Ltd. Bernard Salvat, Claude Rives, Pierre Revercé,
1988. Coquillages de Nouvelle-Calédonie. Times Editions, Les Editions du Pacifique, Singapour, Hachette Calédonie.
Jean Drivas. Maurice Jay,
1988. Coquillages de la Réunion et de l’île Maurice. Delachaux & Niestlé S.A., Lausanne, Neuchâtel, Suisse, Paris, France.
Claude Michel,
1988. Marine Molluscs of Mauritius. Seeta Takoor, Mahmood Coowar, Editions de l’Ocean Indien, Mauritius, Singapore national Printers Ltd.
J. B. Lozet - C. Pétron,
1988. Coquillages des Antilles. Delachaux & Niestlé S.A., Lausanne, Neuchâtel, Suisse, Paris, France.
Masuoki Horikoshi,
1989. Sea Shells of the World. The shapes and patterns designed by nature. From the Ninomiya Collection. Natural History Museum and institute, Chiba Tokyo, Japan.
William Rune Liltved,
1989. Cowries. And Their Relatives Of Southern Africa. A study of the southern African Cypraeacean and Velutinacean gastropod fauna. NBD, Gordon Verhoef, Seacomber publications, South Africa.
Gert Lindner,
1989. Guide des Coquillages Marins. Jean Dorst, Michel Cuisin, Delachaux & Niestlé S.A., Neuchâtel, Switzerland, Paris, France.
B. Salvat - C. Rives,
1990. Coquillages de Tahiti. Delachaux & Niestlé S.A., Lausanne, Neuchâtel, Suisse, Paris, France.
Kenneth R. Wye,
1990. Coquillages. Les Carnets d’Arthaud, Paris, France.
V. Cossignani – M. Passamonti,
1991. Cipraeidae. Catalogue Systematique Synonimes et Prix, Iniziativa Editoriale Mostra Mondiale Malacologia, Cupra Marittima – Italia, Ed. l’Informatore Piceno – Ancona.
Mr. R. Kawamura Collection, Akihiko Matsukura – Takashi Okutani & Tadashige Habe, 1991. World Seashells of Rarity and Beauty. Revised and Enlarged Edition. National Science Museum, Tokyo, Japan.
Lim Chuan Fong & Victor T. H. Wee,
1992. Southeast Asian Conus a seashells book. Seaconus Pte Ltd, Singapore.
Dieter Röckel, Werner Korn & Alan J. Kohn,
1995. Manual of the Living Conidae. Volume 1 : Indo-Pacific Region, Verlag Christa Hemmen, Wiesbaden, Germany.
Guido T. Poppe & Klaus Groh,
1999. A Conchological Iconography. The Family Harpidae. ConchBooks, Hackenheim, Germany.
Guido T. Poppe & Klaus Groh,
1999. Leo Man in’t Veld & Koenraad De Turck, A Conchological Iconography.
The Family Strombidae. ConchBooks, Hackenheim, Germany.
Günther H. W. Sterba,
2004. Olividae. A collectors guide. (Mollusca, Neogastropoda). ConchBooks, Hackenheim, Germany.
Christian Hunon – André Hoarau – Alain Robin,
2009. Olividae. (Mollusca, Gastropoda).
A complete survey of recent species of the genus Oliva. afc – Xenophora & ConchBooks, Hackenheim, Germany.
John K. Tucker & Manuel J. Tenorio,
2009. Systematic Classification of Recent and Fossil Conoidean Gastropods. With Keys to the Genera of Cone Shells. the Deutsche National Bibliothek. ConchBooks, Hackenheim, Germany.
Guido T. Poppe,
2008. Philippine Marine Mollusks. Volume I (Gastropoda – Part I), ConchBooks, Hackenheim, Germany.
Guido T. Poppe,
2008. Philippine Marine Mollusks. Volume II (Gastropoda – Part II), ConchBooks, Hackenheim, Germany.
John K. Tucker & Manuel J. Tenorio,
2013. Illustrated Catalog of the Living Cone Shells. Illinois Natural History Survey and University of Cadiz, MdM Publishing, Wellington, United States.
Mirco Bergonzoni & Marco Passamonti,
2014. Beautifulcowries. (Magazine N°6). Special Issue, A monograph on Leporicypraea Mappa. ConchBooks, Harxheim, germany.
Alan J. Kohn,
2014. Conus of the Southeastern United States and Caribbean. Princeton University Press, New Jersey, United States.
Christopher P. Meyer & Felix Lorenz,
2017. Club Conchylia, Acta Conchyliorum (monographien), New Taxa of Cowries (Gastropoda : Cypraeidae). Club Conchylia e. V., Öhringen, Germany.
Daniel Mallard & Alain Robin,
2017. Recent Fasciolariidae. afc – Xenophora & ConchBooks, Harxheim, Germany. Felix Lorenz,
2017. Cowries A Guide to the Gastropod Family Cypraeidae. Volume 1, Biology and Systematics, ConchBooks, Harxheim, Germany.
Felix Lorenz,
2018. Cowries A Guide to the Gastropod Family Cypraeidae. Voluime 2, Shells and Animals, ConchBooks, Harxheim, Germany.
Eric Monnier, Loïc Limpalaër, Alain Robin & Christophe Roux,
2018. A Taxonomic Iconography of Living Conidae. Volume 1, afc – Xenophora & ConchBooks, Harxheim, Germany.
Eric Monnier, Loïc Limpalaër, Alain Robin & Christophe roux,
2018. A Taxonomic Iconography of Living Conidae. Volume 2, afc – Xenophora & ConchBooks, Harxheim, Germany.
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